NHS 75th Birthday

Fundraise for our paediatric wards

NHS is turning 75 on 5 July 2023 and we invite you to join us in this big occasion celebrations!

Join with your friends, do a #75 challenge and fundraise for Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals' Charity. The money raised with this campaign will be used to improve our paediatric wards, improving staff, parents but mostly children and young patients experiences during their stay at our hospitals.

If you would like to fundraise for a different cause, please feel free to do it, just let us know where you would like your money to go to.

£4,769 raised
+ £308.75 Gift Aid

Share it and help raise more

  • Share your campaign in Facebook. The page will open in a new window
  • Share your campaign in Whatsapp. The page will open in a new window

Creating your fundraising page


Create your page

Thank you for offering to fundraise for us - every pound and penny raised will make a difference.


It's well known that the quicker you create your page and share it to your networks, the more money fundraisers raise.


With that in mind, get started now by clicking on the 'Create a page' button on this fundraising hub’s homepage. Follow the prompts and, voila, you'll be up and running with your very own fundraising page in no time.


Tell your story

You can increase donations simply by telling your story.


We've helped you make a start, but your personal story is important too so edit the story section of your page to tell people about what you’re doing and why their support is important.


Keep it short and sweet, but descriptive enough so that people really connect with what you're doing and feel compelled to donate.


Remember to say which part of the hospital will benefit from your fundraising. For example, a medical discipline like cardiac, cancer maternity, or perhaps a specific ward or department.  You can even fundraise for our larger projects that benefit either St Peter's Hospital or Ashford Hospital.  We also have specifc funds for Staff Wellbeing and Healing Arts.  If you would like any more information on our funds, please do get in touch.


Personalise with Pictures

Pictures tell a thousand words so add some colour to your page with images that help connect people with what you're doing.


Not to mention that having a profile picture of you means your supporters can quickly identify that the fundraising page is yours.


Little tip! Set a striking header photo as this will be the image that features when you share your page on social media.


Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like some pictures that help celebrate or promote our work. 


Gratitude Counts

Remember to thank your donors. Whatever the donation, it all counts, so showing your appreciation for their support may even lead to another donation down the line.


The handy 'heart' feature (next to the list of donors in your fundraiser dashboard) makes it easy to send a tailored message and track who you've said thank you to.


Keep in Touch

Post updates.


People love to see progress and feel part of your journey.


Tell them how you're feeling, how preparations are panning out, thank donors publically etc. and use your blog post section to do so. This will bring your page and your experience to life for those following you.


Fundraising Agreement

In order to meet fundraising regulations, we need to make you aware of certain matters to ensure you have a happy and safe fundraising experience.  Please take a moment to read and familiarise yourself with the following.


This is an agreement between the fundraiser and ASPH Charity for the event / activity described herein, taking place on the date(s) specified.


  1. I will comply with the local council’s guidelines regarding fundraising and relevant health and safety regulations.
  2. I will ensure that all fundraising is conducted in a safe and legal manner.
  3. I will ensure that the event / activity complies with relevant rules and regulations relating to fundraising.
  4. I will only use lawful means to fundraise for ASPH Charity and must not do anything that harms or is likely to harm ASPH Charity reputation.
  5. I understand I am authorised to use ASPH charity promotional material relating to my fundraising activity. I will have this material approved byASPH Charity team before finalisation. The ASPH Charity number must be included in this material.  ASPH Charity name and logo must not be used for any other purpose.
  6. I agree to make clear to donors and participants that funds donated will support Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals' Charitable Fund.
  7. I understand that I should seek medical advice from my general practitioner if I am in any doubt about my physical ability to hold or take part in the event / activity.
  8. I agree that the ASPH Charity does not accept responsibility or liability for an event or activity of mine and I agree that I am participating in this activity at my own risk and ASPH Charity shall not be liable in any way for damage, injury or loss that might occur as a result of the event / activity.
  9. I agree that ASPH Charity can terminate my authority to fund raise at any time by sending written notice to my address.


I will ensure that all participants in the fundraising event are aware of the requirements of this agreement to a level that is commensurate with their involvement.