NHS 75th Birthday

Fundraise for our paediatric wards

NHS is turning 75 on 5 July 2023 and we invite you to join us in this big occasion celebrations!

Join with your friends, do a #75 challenge and fundraise for Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals' Charity. The money raised with this campaign will be used to improve our paediatric wards, improving staff, parents but mostly children and young patients experiences during their stay at our hospitals.

If you would like to fundraise for a different cause, please feel free to do it, just let us know where you would like your money to go to.

£4,769 raised
+ £308.75 Gift Aid

Share it and help raise more

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  • Share your campaign in Whatsapp. The page will open in a new window
5 pages created, £4,769 raised
+ £308.75 Gift Aid

Completed campaigns

ASPH Charity - NHS75
NHS 75th Birthday

If you don't want to create your own fundraising page or if you would just like to make a donation to this campaign, please do it here.

Amount Raised: £2,409
0 remaining days
Target: £1,500
See campaign
Alka Thakur
Geetanjali Academy of Fine Arts fundraising for Paediatrics at ASPH

The students of Geetanjali Academy of Fine Arts, London, are singing to raise funds for the Paediatric Department at Ashford and St. Peters Hospital. Please support the initiative of these talented children with your generous donations.

Amount Raised: £1,035
0 remaining days
Target: £1,000
See campaign
Sole Sisters
Step Up for SAMS (Senior Adult Medical Services)

This June we ran and walked over 380 miles to raise funds to support patients living with Dementia at Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals. With your kind support and very generous donations we have surpassed our target. Thank you so much from the Sole Sisters!

Amount Raised: £1,010
0 remaining days
Target: £750
See campaign
Mike, Charlotte, Ruth, Naren and Megan
Happy 75th Birthday NHS! We are running 75 miles each during July

Mike, Charlotte, Ruth, Naren & Megan work in the Paediatric Department at Ashford & St. Peter’s Hospitals. They will be running 75 miles each to raise funds to improve patient experience in the Paediatric Department and support the Healing Arts Programme

Amount Raised: £680
0 remaining days
Target: £250
See campaign
Clare & Claire
Clare and Claire’s Big Cycle

Us two Cla(i)res are taking on 75miles each on our bikes during the month of July.

Amount Raised: £315
0 remaining days
Target: £250
See campaign