NHS 75th Birthday

Fundraise for our paediatric wards

NHS is turning 75 on 5 July 2023 and we invite you to join us in this big occasion celebrations!

Join with your friends, do a #75 challenge and fundraise for Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals' Charity. The money raised with this campaign will be used to improve our paediatric wards, improving staff, parents but mostly children and young patients experiences during their stay at our hospitals.

If you would like to fundraise for a different cause, please feel free to do it, just let us know where you would like your money to go to.

£4,769 raised
+ £308.75 Gift Aid

Share it and help raise more

  • Share your campaign in Facebook. The page will open in a new window
  • Share your campaign in Whatsapp. The page will open in a new window

Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals Charity

We are the dedicated charity for Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals. We aim to enhance our hospitals environment by providing supplementary equipment or additional services that are above and beyond what the NHS can provide.

The Ashford and St. Peter’s Charitable Fund comprises several individual funds, each designated to a medical theme, such as cancer, neonatal care or haematology, or to a specific ward, campaign project or hospital location.

The overall ASPH Charity is governed by the Charitable Funds Committee and the ASPH Trust Executive. The charity administers the funds (under the direction of the Charitable Fund Committee) and ensures that public donations go to where the donor intended. Charitable funds are not used to replace existing services and equipment that should be provided by the NHS.